
Mindfulness Training & Coaching is very effective if you want to learn to deal with emotional and mental turmoil and physical pain. You learn from exercises which you practice independently and at any time. The process stimulates presence within yourself, letting go of limiting beliefs, inner peace and clarity. This allows you to listen better to yourself and make conscious choices, which significantly improves the quality of your life.


“Buddha was asked, “What have you gained from meditation?” He replied: “Nothing! However. Buddha said, let me tell you what I lost: Anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death.”    Buddha

For whom?

Mindfulness Training & Coaching can be used in the following situations:


  • Stress
  • Worry
  • Anxiety / Panic Attacks
  • Sleeping Problems
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Gloom
  • Emotional instability  
  • (Chronic) pain 


What is it about?

With Mindfulness Training you practice presence in the here and now. It puts you in conscious contact with yourself, by perceiving the immediate experience on base of acceptance and without judgment. You practice in observing your thought patterns, emotions and body. You are more aware of pleasant experiences and learn to recognize your tendencies in which you enlarge unpleasant experiences.


Mindfulness is of great value in Coaching. It supports the process of getting insight into yourself. It helps you to allow what you are experiencing, without immediately reacting to old patterns. This opens up room for a change in your thinking and behavior.


Mindfulness programs

Mindfulness Training & Coaching consists of an 8-week MBSR  or MBCT program.


  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) aims to cope with and combat stress and pain.
  • Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) focuses on how to reduce chronic recurring feelings of depression and anxiety. It teaches you to be more resilient to adversity and how to break negative thought patterns.

In both programs meditation and yoga techniques are combined with psychology. Experience with mindfulness and yoga is not necessary.



  • Private rate: € 600 excl. VAT
  • Business rate: € 895 excl. VAT
  • Students and low-income: price agreement

This includes:

  •  8 sessions of 1.5 hours
  •  training folder with handouts
  • MP3s with guided mindfulness exercises



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